Buffalo mortadella

CHF 27.25CHF 27.90

The wild boar salami is a product firmly rooted in the local butchery tradition, thanks to the wild boars that are at home on the hills of Piedmont. For its production Chiapella chooses the leanest meat of the wild boar, to which is added a very small percentage of pork. The meat is then refined with the finest in-house seasoning and stuffed into natural casings. Finally, the hand-tied salami comes to maturity in drying rooms with controlled temperature, humidity and ventilation. When cut, the slice presents a dark red color and a delicious, mild gamey flavor.

The salami is sold in one piece and vacuum packed.

Price /100g CHF 7.50


SKU: MORSIZ-1 Category:



51% buffalo meat/leftover pork from Sicily

La delicatezza dei tagli magri del bufalo incontra la ricchezza della carne e del lardello di maiale creando un sapore distintivo e unico. Caratterizzata da un contenuto di grassi inferiore, questa mortadella è un’opzione più leggera rispetto alle varietà suine tradizionali.

La delicata speziatura si abbina a vini corposi o frizzanti. Intrigante versione di un classico della salumeria italiana.

Senza Glutine Senza Lattosio


Store in the refrigerator at max. 4°C.

—> No shipping possible! <—

Price /100g CHF 5.50



Wrap not suitable for consumption

Origin of the meat: EU

Additional information

Weight 2.00 kg


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